Amanda and Rajeev- a hike in the rain

AmandaRajeev-8080Have you ever met a person (or couple, in this case) and just instantly connected with them? It seems like such a rare occurrence, but when it happens, it's one of my favorite things in the world. When Eric & I met up with Amanda & Rajeev for a beer (and sexy fries- who are we kidding?) at Mickey's last year to talk about their wedding day, it was one of those times.Eric and I walked back to our car that evening talking about how sweet and awesome this couple was, and how we wanted to be their friends. Sadly for us, like most of our favorite people in this world, these two moved from Madison mere months after our meeting, but thankfully Amanda also has a love for long emails and kept us updated with what was going on with the two of them. (which happened to be quite a bit of travel & adventure!)Finally these two returned to Madison, just for a quick weekend long enough for us to sneak some photos in. As the date we had picked got closer, it was looking more and more like rain, but Amanda assured us they didn't mind at all. So, despite the rain we stuck to our plan of taking a hike in the woods, and boy are we glad we did. These two are so much fun, we can not wait until their wedding. (next weekend!!)AmandaRajeev-6171AmandaRajeev-8075AmandaRajeev-6173AmandaRajeev-8086AmandaRajeev-8081AmandaRajeev-8160AmandaRajeev-6198AmandaRajeev-8266AmandaRajeev-8254AmandaRajeev-8291AmandaRajeev-8269AmandaRajeev-8273AmandaRajeev-8369AmandaRajeev-8384AmandaRajeev-8400AmandaRajeev-8392


Audre and Luke's intimate backyard wedding // Madison, Wi


Luke & Audre at home session