Audre and Luke's intimate backyard wedding // Madison, Wi
There are a few things we love to enjoy that, despite brief sojourns in and out of fashion, will never go out of style: a hot cup of coffee, a dram of whiskey, a fire. We like these things because they are wonderful, delicious, timeless.Well, Audre and Luke are like that. If they lived now or 60 years ago, they would hold the same things close to their hearts: music, friends, family, dinner parties, libations, caffeine. They greeted us like old friends the first time we met, and you'd be hard pressed to find a person who's stepped into their home without feeling like they belonged. Whether spending time with friends or making art (Luke is a musician and an art teacher, and Audre is a fantastic photographer) they are adding beauty to the world.Their wedding day was the most perfectly intimate gathering and celebration, and we were absolutely honored to be there to document it. Congrats Audre and Luke, you two are top shelf.

Flowers from: Daffodil*ParkerTables from: A la Crate Vintage