Luke & Audre at home session
Sometimes when friends are about to move, I insist they let me take photos of them in their current place. For me there's something about wanting others to be able to remember every little bit of their previous homes. Maybe it's because I never got around to hiring someone to take photos of Eric and I in either of the two places we lived before we bought our house, or maybe it's because, with friends especially, their homes often hold memories for me as well, so while I do it as a gift to them it's also a little bit for me. Anyhow, that was the case with Luke and Audre. When I found out they were leaving their adorable apartment on the third floor, I told her I wanted to make sure the two of them had photos together there. Plus it was great to have another opportunity to get these two in front of my camera, since we're shooting their backyard wedding this summer! These two are gems, and Eric & I are so glad to have them as pals.