
So, for the last five days our home has been overrun with peaches. Georgia peaches, to be exact. 25 lbs of them. There's a semi that our friends know about that makes the trip up to Wisconsin twice a summer. A semi full of Georgia goodness.It's a little overwhelming to try & figure out what to do with that many. They all ripen within a couple days of each other, and everyone knows how quick they spoil. For ideas, I went to Smitten Kitchen & Taste Spotting. I asked flickr friends what they thought I should do. In the end, we ate at least 3 a day, baked muffins, canned them in a honey syrup, made peach salsa, smoothies, froze some, and still have a few left over. I'm still not sick of these beauties. I think they're one of the few things I just can't get enough of.


Grilling & the Summertime

