Chris & Lara's wedding in Sweden
Chris, Lara, and their son Harri, are some of our dearest friends. (I briefly mentioned how we all know each other, and why they chose to have their destination wedding in Sweden back in this post) Being able to be present and a part of their wedding day was a gift that we will always and forever cherish. Sweden was a dream, and every person that was present for their wedding was the best type of person. We loved it, and hope that someday we will get the chance to travel back to the beautiful little town of Färila and spend more time.Balloon markers to tell people where to turn. Laughter, excitement, and a close call of the groom nearly seeing the bride before their first look. Countryside roller skiiers passing the quiet country house just as the bride & MOH were getting ready for portraits. A beautiful sunny day turned into a surprising mid-summer hail storm, and then back to the most beautiful golden evening. A grand pink church, that was originally constructed in the 1300's before needing to be rebuilt. A distant young cousin, whose mother taught him to always dance in the rain, so he took his opportunity before dinner began to do just that. A whole lot of signs that had far too many vowels in the minds of some of the non-Swedes. Fish, wine, beer, and cake! Card playing, Swedish folk dancing, and swaying to a playlist created on the fly. This day was a blur of excitement, hard work coming together in the best way possible, and most of all love. Thanks guys, for letting us be a part of it.

PS. At the request of the groom, there are a limited amount of photos of both himself & Harri that he wished to share publicly. Just wanted to address that for all of you friend & family members wondering where they are! :-)