2015 in review
2015. What a year. What a year, what a year, what a year. It's quite surreal, now that we're sitting in our home, surrounded by the quiet cold Wisconsin winter, thinking back on everything that took place last year.For starters, we began the year in New Zealand. It feels like a lifetime ago, but I have photos with timestamps to prove it to myself, luckily. This time last year we were in the middle of our epic adventure, with no real plans on how the rest of the year would unfold. (someday we may even find the time to SHARE more of those photos... it's totally on my list!)The majority of 2015 was spent sleeping in beds that were not our own, and eventually wondering if we would ever have a home of our own again. We spent time with so many amazing people, and got to witness some really spectacular days. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, as we may have led people to believe, but that's really only because even when we were a bit travel weary and homesick, we recognized how fortunate we were to be able to take a year and spend it the way we did. House hunting couldn't have been done without the help of our family & friends- cooking for us, housing us, and keeping our spirits up when it took seemingly a billion years to find a place. Our couples were ever patient with our claims of "sorry we didn't get back to you sooner- this last week has been a bit crazy for us!" (perhaps our most used phrase when talking with anyone through email, really), and our friends put up with the fact that we'd maybe see them for a few hours every month or so, since we never seemed to be around any one spot.Anyhow, 2015 was incredible. It started with NZ, and ended with us settled into our first home. We love the memories we made over the past year, and had a really tough time rounding up all of our favorites- but we did our best and here's the whole lot of 'em, in no particular order.

In case you were wondering. Our year went like this:Jan- mid Feb: New Zealandmid Feb- mid March: Hawaii --> Portland --> Californiamid March- mid April: Wisconsinmid April- mid May: San Franciscomid May- end of July: WisconsinJuly/Aug: SF --> England --> Sweden --> 9 hours in Iceland --> Brooklyn ---> WiscoAug-October: continued house hunting in Wisconsin!November- December: Close on our house, paint all the walls (& ceilings), refinish the hardwood floors, and move in!If you're interested in our previous few years, here they are:201420132012