New Zealand, in just 30 photos

As you may know, last year when our wedding season ended, Eric and I went on an epic adventure for nearly 5 months. I haven't shared many photos yet for a large variety of reasons, one of them being that we're planning on starting a separate blog devoted just to travel so we can share more photos, tips, and break down how we made our trip work. However, things like that take time and I've been itching to share at least a handful of our NZ photos.We were all over the country and were absolutely blown away by how beautiful it was, every single place we went. We were constantly wondering how the views we were seeing were even real, with that much beauty packed into just one place. They were real though, and there are people who live there and get to look at them every day. I hope they all know how lucky they are.Driving on the Coromandel penninsulaBackyards in New ZealandRoad side waterfall in NZPohutukawa tree in New ZealandCliffs on North Island NZfoxglove flowersdramatic lightFerry ride from WellingtonWellington Wellington beachWalking in KaikouraConcert in the gardens WellingtonAkaroaOld outhouse in the forestColonial Cottage, Pohatu PenguinsEricSarah climbing the fenceObservatory at Lake TekapoHills of tussockCromwell, NZDriving to Wellingtonhouse in QueenstownDOC site, Milford SoundsMilford SoundsDriving in New ZealandNew Zealand boatHigh sun in NZ landscapeCows standing in golden light- Lovely Ember PhotographySkipping rocks on a foggy lakePicton to Wellington ferry ride


Erin & Evan married at the Bridle Barn


2014, a retrospective