Elsie's First Birthday
Today our little girl turned one. A year ago today seems like it was only yesterday but at the same time a lifetime ago, I swear the passing of time changes when you become a parent. She brings so much joy into our lives, it's incredible. Words can't describe how amazing it is to see her grow, learn, and become her own little person. She's silly, independent, a total bookworm, a music lover, a snuggler, and all around the best person we could possibly imagine. I knew a year ago that she was going to change our lives and that we would love it, but I don't think there's any way we could imagine just how much that would be. For her birthday, we baked her a banana, zucchini, ginger cake in a mini bundt pan that we had, and topped it with cream cheese sweetened with a touch of maple syrup. This girl loves food in general, so we knew it really didn't matter what sort of cake we gave her- she was likely to gobble it up no matter what. Though she didn't finish the entire thing, she certainly came close.

Elsie at one-year-old.Favorite books: "Brown Bear, Brown Bear"- Eric Carle "Polar Bear, Polar Bear"- Eric Carle "Little Owl Lost"- Chris Haughton "Oh No, George"- Chris Haughton "Baby Animals"- Roger Priddy "Baby's First Book of Birds and Color"- Phyllis Limbacher Tildes "ABC"- Dr. SeussFavorite animals: Bears- specifically polar bears, cats, dogs, chickensFavorite foods: She eats most food but notably she likes spicy food- specifically Indian food and eggs with hot sauce. Also cherry tomatoes, raspberries & blueberries. Sharp cheddar cheese.Favorite music: At the moment "15 Step" by Radiohead, Jazz music in general (in general because I put on random playlists- if you have good jazz suggestions please let me know), Michael JacksonFavorite cat: Basil, because Pica is a buttheadFavorite game: The "I'm going to get you" game, where we say that and then chase after her. She shrieks and screams and laughs real hard. It's the best.Favorite thing to do outside: Carefully touch flowersElsie is inquisitive, adventurous, joyful, and full of love. Every day she shows us the best qualities in herself and helps us to find them in ourselves as well. In happy days or fussy days, we are endlessly thankful to have her in our lives.