As of late.
First, let me say that the weather within this past week has been kind of crazy. I'm a Wisconsin girl, so I can handle weird weather, but going from 52 degrees one day to two straight days of snow was just so bizarre. I'm not complaining though. That's the thing about Wisconsin- every year we say how much we love the snow, and can put up with the cold, but only for so long. Our winters often start mid-November and don't end until sometime in March. That can get to be a pretty bleak time. This year though, we made it all the way until January 12th to get any real amounts of snow. And to boot, the week leading up to it felt like spring! Fantastic if you ask me. Anyhow, with all that to be said, not that many of these photos contain much to do with the weather. It's pretty much just to share some of the photos from the past few days. When the weather was nice, we took advantage and walked places as much as we could. We fed ducks, walked to the grocery store & bakery, met the most adorable puppy- you know, springy stuff.Now that it's properly cold, we've stayed inside for the most part. We hosted a game + taco night with some friends, finally took our Christmas tree down, watched too many episodes of How I Met Your Mother, worked at the cafe, watched a game of roller derby, and I finally made some draft stoppers for the gaps under the doors in our house. So yeah. That's what we've been up to. How about you?