Another Market Saturday.
Autumn is my favorite season. There's so many reasons, but one of the best is the variety that there is at market. This time of year there's still tomatoes, but most of the colder weather veggies are ready as well. There's squash, apples, pumpkins, brussel sprouts, and even potatoes. This morning Eric had to work at 6 am, so instead of dropping him off, I hung out at the cafe for a half hour until market started. (Oh yeah, Eric also works at the cafe I'm at a few shifts a week so he doesn't drive himself mad working just from home) I walked around sipping an irish breakfast tea and nibbling (okay, maybe gobbling) a chocolate croissant. I walked around for a while, taking in all the beautiful colors, watching the farmers meticulously place their goods on the tables, and enjoying the cool air. (maybe cold is a better descriptor, I think it was 39) It was just one of those morning walks that was so perfectly pleasant. Most of the time we get to market around 10 o'clock, despite our feeble attempts at getting up early, and it takes forever to get around the whole square because of all the people. Not so many people are up and walking around at 6:30 am, let me tell you.I hope you enjoy the weekend, and all that this beautiful autumn weather has to offer!