A look back, part 3.
Alright y'all, this is it. The last post of the year. Kind of exciting, right? It was a great year, and it's been fun looking back on each day individually. Here are the the last batch of 365 favorites.

August 31st. Dinners at this picnic table happened numerous times over the course of this summer. They were all wonderful.
September 5th. This weekend we took a trip to visit family, and this is our Uncle Steve, holding one of the sweeties kitties ever. It was a great trip.
September 11th. One of our favorite families came to town for a bit this day. It's always so great to see them. Love how much of a goofball this guy, David, is.
September 16th. Did some canning at my parent's house. Came into the kitchen after a few minutes and found this mess. Luckily it really wasn't that hard to clean up.
September 23rd. Our friends invited us to their friend's home for the night. This is what I found in the bathroom window in the morning, with beautiful early morning light pouring in.
September 25th. Dylan's first birthday, and I think the day we figured out that Eric is one of his bf's.
September 28th. This weekend my brother and his girlfriend flew home for a visit from Tokyo. We hung out with my sister & the kiddos for the weekend.
October 6th. My friend Stacy was home from Vegas. She and her brother came to visit us.
October 9th. This night we went to a dinner with some friends that one of the slow food movements from campus was putting on. I love how beautiful the moon is in this shot.
October 15th. Another night of dinner over at J&J's. This night we decided we definitely needed to make an apple pie. It was awesome.
October 30th. Our friend Colin came for a visit, and we made delicious breakfast.
November 15th. We went for a walk in a nearby park, and soaked in some beautiful golden light.
November 24th, Thanksgiving morning. We spent it at the shop, eating tasty food and drinking wonderful coffee. It was a great way to start out the day.
December 6th. We tagged along with our friends to take a trip up to visit their grandparents for the evening. We got there to find the lake was frozen over, and the light outside was perfect.
December 9th. Colin moved into his new place, only 2 hours from where we live, which is considerably closer than Norfolk, VA. We helped him unpack, and the boys had fun playing with the ridiculous amount of paper the movers put in the boxes to pack his stuff in.
December 13th. Truffle making at the shop.
December 16th. Using our new Japanese siphon.There are so many other photos and days that could qualify as favorites as well, but these are what I'll keep it to. I should have some inspiring thing to say about this project, and this past year, but quite honestly it's New Year's Eve day, which is also Eric's birthday, and I'm writing this as friends are watching Jaws, so I'm just going to end it here and hope there aren't too many typos in this post.I hope you all have a fantastic new year's, and perhaps if I'm lucky I may have convinced you to start a 365 as well, because it's pretty great to have all these photos to look back on.